Gut health & Homeopathy

Welcome to a journey of holistic well-being! 

Struggling with recent or long-term gut issues?  Discover why your gut health can have such an impact on not only your overall physical health but also your mental & emotional states, & vice versa - how your emotional state also affects your digestive state. 

There is a fascinating connection between gut health and mental well-being through the intricate Gut-Brain Axis, and a healthy gut can have a profound impact on your mind and body.

Read on to discover useful tips for treating digestive disturbances such as indigestion, bloating, reflux, nausea, diarrhoea or constipation as well as how many of these remedies can also help emotional states such as anxiety, stress or worry which tend to worsen these digestive ailments. 

Beyond digestion, your gut plays a pivotal role in influencing your mood, stress levels, and overall mental resilience. Nurturing your gut can be a game-changer, not only for mental health but also in addressing allergies and combating inflammation throughout your body, learn how homeopathy can address both physical & emotional symptoms, providing relief of digestive symptoms as well as addressing deeper emotional symptoms such as anxiety or grief. Thus it provides a truly holistic approach to treating these imbalances & all without side effects. 

Did you know that the gut provides approximately 95% of total body serotonin, Serotonin sends signals between your nerve cells. It helps regulate many body functions, including mood, bowel movements, and sleep, among others. Although serotonin has intrinsic roles in the intestines and peripheral metabolism, it is capable of locally activating different nerve endings that are connected directly to the central nervous system. This sophisticated neural network transmits messages from trillions of bacteria, thus the brain in your gut exerts a powerful influence over the one in your head. 

Studies have revealed that adjusting the equilibrium of beneficial and harmful bacteria within an animal's gut can impact its brain chemistry, potentially inducing either increased boldness or heightened anxiety. Furthermore, there's a notable bidirectional relationship between the brain and gut bacteria. Numerous investigations have demonstrated that even minor stressors can disrupt the microbial balance in the gut, rendering the host more susceptible to infections and setting off a series of molecular reactions that loop back to affect the central nervous system.

The Gut-Brain Axis is a bidirectional communication system connecting the gastrointestinal tract with the central nervous system. This complex network involves an intricate interplay of signals and chemicals that constantly travel between the gut and the brain.

The connection is profound, with the brain influencing the stomach and intestines, and vice versa. For instance, the thought of eating or smell of food can trigger the release of stomach juices even before food reaches the stomach. This two-way communication extends to emotions, where feelings like anger, anxiety, or sadness can manifest as physical symptoms in the gut.

Conversely, a distressed gut can send signals to the brain, affecting mood and cognitive function. This close relationship between the brain and the gastrointestinal (GI) system explains why stress, anxiety, or depression can often manifest as stomach or intestinal distress.  One of the simplest examples of this is the sensation of butterflies in the stomach when we are nervous or nausea or diarrhoea with anxiety or fear.  As our fight or flight mode is turned on so our stomachs clear out in preparation for the danger ahead!  Useful when dealing with a sabre toothed tiger but not so helpful if it's always  just before an important meeting or event!

Understanding the Gut-Brain Axis highlights the importance of maintaining a healthy balance in both our stomachs and minds. Nurturing gut health through proper diet, lifestyle choices, stress management and homeopathic remedies can improve digestive issues and positively impact mental well-being. 

As homeopathy treats the whole person rather than just their digestive issues alone (as in conventional medicine), it is well placed to assist in deeper healing as all systems are considered not only the digestion and emotional state.  This holistic approach recognises the intricate connection between our digestive and mental health, promoting overall harmony for a healthier and more balanced life.

Certainly, many digestive issues can be entirely influenced by diet & lifestyle but many also have their roots in mental/emotional disturbances. It's important to note that the relationship between mental health and digestive problems is complex, and individual experiences may vary. Some general digestive issues linked to stress & emotional disturbances include:

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Often associated with stress, anxiety, and emotional triggers, IBS can lead to abdominal pain, bloating, and changes in bowel habits.

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): Conditions like Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis may be aggravated by stress and emotional factors, potentially triggering flare-ups.

  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): Stress and anxiety can contribute to increased acid production and worsen symptoms of GERD, such as heartburn and regurgitation.

  • Functional Dyspepsia: Characterised by persistent indigestion and discomfort in the upper abdomen, functional dyspepsia may be influenced by psychological factors.

  • Peptic Ulcers: While primarily caused by Helicobacter pylori infection or NSAID use, stress and anxiety can exacerbate symptoms and delay healing.

  • Gallbladder Issues: Stress may contribute to gallbladder problems or exacerbate symptoms such as gallstones.

  • Eating Disorders: Conditions from body dsymorphia (distorted view of the body) like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa/ binge eating can significantly impact digestive health.

  • Functional Abdominal Pain Syndrome (FAPS): Chronic abdominal pain not explained by a medical condition may be influenced by stress, anxiety or other emotional factors.

  • Coeliac Disease: While an autoimmune response to gluten, psychological stress is often experienced before diagnosis & ongoing stress can affect symptom severity in individuals with coeliac disease.

  • Gut-Brain Axis Disorders: Emerging research suggests that imbalances in the gut microbiota, influenced by stress and mental health, can contribute to various digestive issues.

  • Leaky Gut Syndrome (Increased Intestinal Permeability): This condition involves the compromise of the intestinal lining, potentially allowing undigested food particles, toxins, and bacteria to pass into the bloodstream. While the exact causes are debated, some theories suggest that stress and mental health factors may contribute to the development or exacerbation of leaky gut syndrome.

It's essential to recognise the interconnectedness of mental and digestive health. Seeking professional advice and a holistic approach that addresses both physical and emotional aspects can contribute to better management & improvement in symptoms and overall well-being long term.  

If your digestive issues are recent you may find one or more of the remedies below helpful to try.  If however you are suffering from any of the above chronic conditions or general digestive issues that you’ve had for a long time you will benefit from a full consultation for a treatment plan to get to the root of the issues.

If you would like to discuss your gut & or emotional health & how homeopathy can help please book a free chat with me here.


  1. LYCOPODIUM -  This remedy is indicated for acidity, reflux or aggravations caused by wheat or starchy food, there tends to be much bloating & gas accumulation manifesting either in noisy flatulence & incomplete belching rising to the throat followed by long-lasting burning sensations. The person usually has a big appetite but the stomach feels full quickly & is often bloated after eating little. Worse for eating beans, bread or cabbage & tend to like sweets, they usually prefer warm food & drink. Symptoms are often worse in the afternoons around 4-8 pm. Lycopodium is also indicated for ANXIETY from apprehension around performance affecting the stomach, or stage fright where the fear occurs at the start of a performance but goes as they get into their stride. Lycopodium may seem outwardly confident at times, but there is an underlying fear of having their inner weaknesses exposed and this can often lead to gastritis & other digestive problems.

  2. NUX VOMICA - A great hangover & dyspepsia remedy. Symptoms from overindulgence, whether from too much rich or spicy food, alcohol, or even medications. This is a useful remedy for many stomach problems arising from these issues including indigestion, nausea or bloating, there is also often a sense of fullness & exhaustion after eating a heavy meal.  Nux Vomica can be used for heartburn with the stomach or abdomen feeling sore or bruised and sensitive to pressure.  Despite this the appetite may be very good and fatty food may be both desired and well tolerated.  There is often flatulence & bloating of the abdomen and the bloating can continue for several hours after a meal, with trapped wind.  The symptoms of hiatus (or inguinal) hernia, or reflux may also respond well to this remedy. Intestinal motion can be slow or faulty causing constipation or difficulty passing stools even though the urge is present, there is often a feeling of something left behind, this often stems from a poor or over-rich diet coupled with a high stress load. The person is often irritable & is usually very work-focused.

  3. ARGENTUM NITRICUM - This is a major remedy for apprehension anxiety & a good choice if digestive issues are brought on by anxiety over a forthcoming event. There is often a craving for sweets or cold food which often results in flatulent bloating with a gnawing pain & nausea. Diarhoea & upset stomach from worry/anxiety is common, it can also be helpful for stomach ulcers or ulceration of the eyes or eyelids in combination. Drinks & sweets tend to go straight through them often causing diarhoea soon after consuming.

  4. ARSENICUM ALBUM - Diarrhoea & or vomiting with burning pains from food poisoning or anxiety, often with gnawing, burning pains, chilliness and a great thirst, although cold drinks can make the person sick. The burning pains may be better for hot rather than cold drinks.  There is indigestion from watery fruits and salads sometimes with a craving for milk, the person may be very particular or highly organised generally or while ill, they can also be fanatically tidy and habitually anxious, often motivated by an underlying fear of a loss of control.   Arsen Alb also addresses anxiety where the person is very fearful of health issues, and worries about their own & their family's health, they can even have an irrational fear of death when they are unwell.  The person may also complain that the discomfort worsens on eating or drinking anything and may experience a burning sensation in the stomach.  They are often thirsty for large amounts of cold water.

  5. CARBO VEG - The stomach & abdomen may be uncomfortably bloated & feel hard, with trapped wind which belching only relieves temporarily.  The simplest food disagrees, resulting in constant belching shortly after eating or drinking, with offensive flatulence.  A sense of immobility or laziness of the whole system as if the food is not being digested, with a heavy or full stomach and, possibly, sleepiness. 

  6. CHINA - Flatulence & colic, which is eased by movement and bending double. Darting pains across the stomach which are eased by loosening clothes. Bloated abdomen not relieved by belching of often bitter fluid, & indigestion from eating fruit or drinking milk.  A useful remedy for hiccups.  

  7. PULSATILLA - Indigestion or diarrhoea from rich or fatty food, especially hot fatty meats, pastries or dairy products - there is frequently a craving for these foods that are known to cause the problem.  The indigestion occurs as bloating, gas and a sour stomach sometimes with heartburn. They may alternate between diarrhoea & constipation/hard stool. Generally, this person is gentle, likes sympathy, reassurance & company, they are always better for fresh air & feel worse in a warm stuffy room, they tend to have a dry mouth but little thirst.

  8. PHOSPHORUS - Diarrhoea that is copious & painless, causing exhaustion, the person is thirsty for cold drinks.  There can be sharp cutting pains in the abdomen, a sour taste and sour belchings after every meal, sometimes including food regurgitation. They can feel sick & throw up easily, emotionally they tend to be anxious, chilly and in need of reassurance like Arsen Alb but generally they are more easily reassured than Ars Alb, given their ability to be more easily affected by outside influences. They can also be fearful of many things including the dark, thunderstorms or lightning.

  9. SULPHUR - Weak digestion generally with belching of putrid or sour gas, & a sense of faintness or hunger at 11am. The appetite may be either excessive or absent, with great acidity & a strong desire for sweets or fatty foods, milk usually worsens symptoms. They can be generally untidy, easily overheated & tend to desire junk foods which gives frequent indigestion.

  10. STAPHISAGRIA - Colic or indigestion resulting from anger, abuse, humiliation or a feeling of being ‘cut up’. Also a very good remedy for trapped or hot wind as well as severe pains following any surgery.


Homeopathy is based on the principle of “like treats like” – that is, a substance which can cause symptoms when taken in large doses, can be used in small amounts to treat similar symptoms. For example, drinking too much coffee can cause sleeplessness and agitation, so according to this principle, when made into a homeopathic medicine, it could be used to treat people suffering from sleeplessness and agitation.

This concept is sometimes used in conventional medicine, for example, the stimulant Ritalin is used to treat patients with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and small doses of allergens, such as pollen, are sometimes used to de-sensitise allergic patients. An important difference with homeopathy however, is that the medicinal doses (known as remedies) are so small that toxic side-effects are avoided.

Can you see how all the different remedies listed above have a different ‘picture’ to them? Of both physical & emotional symptoms, In homeopathy, we are looking for the best match for all these symptoms which invariably gives the quickest relief. As the remedies are so dilute taking a wrong remedy won’t do anything but a correct remedy will bring quick relief. Thus homeopathic remedies are safe for babies, children, during pregnancy & the elderly or immune compromised.

Homeopathic potency & dose

In homeopathy the minimum dose is advised, however sometimes for extreme acute symptoms such as pains or fevers more frequent dosing may be needed. Generally for home prescribing of digestive issues start with a low potency of 6c or 30c & only dose where symptoms are present, take one every 1-2 hours.  If after 3 doses there is no change at all then it is likely you need a different remedy. In this case, either move to the next likely remedy or look at the details of the remedy symptom pictures again to find a better match. If there is improvement it is important to stop or reduce dosing, as the remedy is working. If symptoms do return or improvement stalls resume dosing as needed. (usually every 2-4hrs) If symptoms persist after a few days contact a homeopath or if severe seek advice from your medical provider immediately. 

If your digestive issue is chronic (anything you’ve had for longer than 3-4 weeks) you will likely need deeper treatment to resolve both the symptoms & treat the root cause, in this case, please feel free to book a free chat or first appointment with me here

Note - If you need urgent acute advice 24 hours a day 7 days a week you can also contact Homeopathy 247 where our team of qualified homeopaths are available to advise. (An acute condition is anything new you’ve had for up to 3 weeks) we have homeopaths available all day & night every day. (Acute consultations are around 15mins via zoom with up to 48 hour email support & these are charged at £42, $55 or 45 euros.) For more info go to:


When taking homeopathic remedies leave at least 20mins either side of eating or drinking. If using mint (toothpaste etc) or having coffee leave at least 45mins, these stronger substances can interfere with the remedies as they are such a high dilution.

Remedies are assimilated through the saliva not through the digestion. Hence leave in the mouth to dissolve rather than swallowing.  Liquid remedies are also taken in this way directly on the tongue.

If taking pills/tablets try not to touch these if possible (as the remedy is coated on the outside - the pills/tablets themselves are more like vehicles for the remedy) so if possible use the lid from the bottle to tip one pill into and then straight into your mouth, or if in a bag or envelope ideally use a clean teaspoon to take from the bag and put straight into the mouth, suck or leave the pill/tab under your tongue do not swallow it.  For babies pills can be crushed between two teaspoons & poured into the mouth to dissolve.

  • MEDICAL DISCLAIMER - The information provided here is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on any platform. Reliance on any information provided here is solely at your own risk.




My Top 10 Sore Throat Remedies.