My Top 10 Sore Throat Remedies.
Here are my Top Sore Throat Remedies…
Aconite – Sudden onset, after exposure to dry cold wind, restless, thirsty. If given as soon as the sore throat comes on this can often nip it in the bud.
Belladonna – Redness, hot high intense, throbbing pains, glands swollen, fever. Wants cold drinks.
Ferrum phos – In between aconite and belladonna (energy) mild fever, restless and sluggish, slow.
Phytolacca – Right side, feels like a red hot ball in the throat, swollen glands, pain in ears on swallowing. Better cold drinks (often indicated for mumps)
Lycopodium – right side or starts right side, better warm drinks, worse 4-8pm, irritable becomes bossy and demanding.
Lachesis – Starts Left-sided or left to right. Worse Warm/hot drinks, empty swallowing. Better cold drinks, swallowing solids. The tongue can be purple, May not want to open mouth, and feel like the whole throat is constricted. Dislikes constriction around the throat or even touching area.
Hepar Sulp – Feels like a fishbone stuck in throat, glands swollen, suppuration. Better Warm/hot drinks. Chilly extremely irritable, has bad breath, tongue coated.
Mercurius – Bad breath, much slimy saliva, sweaty at night and sweat doesn’t relieve. RIGHT sided can sometimes see marks of teeth on tongue. METALLIC TASTE. Thirsty for COLD drinks. Worse at night, unstable temperature. Sweat at night doesn’t relieve, may be smelly. Bleeding gums with sore throat. NOTE – sometimes after Belladonna, may go into Mercury. Don’t skip Belladonna picture as Mercury can worsen if the picture is not correct.
Rhus Tox – Sore with swollen glands and constriction. Craves cold milk. Better warmth.
Ignatia – Lump in throat that cannot be swallowed. > swallowing solids, Tendency to choke. Globus hystericus. (lump sensation after grief or shock)
Other useful remedies:
Diptherinum – If a lot of mucus in throat.
Nitric Acid – Throat sore w/splinter like pains (like hep sulp) so if hep sulp not working try Nit Ac.
Apis – Right sided, uvula swollen, burning feeling, No thirst, High fever. V difficult to swallow. (throat tight, constricted)
Laryngitis – Loss of voice, affects vocal chords, larynx.
Arg Met – Loss of voice (actors, singers, performers)
Causticum – Tickly cough, rawness, pain in chest. > Sips of cold water.
Phosphorous – Burning pains, big respiratory remedy w/laryngitis >icy Cold water.
First Aid tips – Honey, fresh lemon & warm water. Or honey and apple cider vinegar (hot water w/spoon of honey and cider vinegar)
Turmeric in hot water. A heaped teaspoon in a little water drunk when dissolved.
Onion chopped & mixed with 2 spoons of honey leave to macerate.