Indigestion, or dyspepsia, is a common digestive disorder that can cause bloating, gas, cramping pains, discomfort and distress. It encompasses a range of symptoms that occur in the upper abdomen, often triggered by eating certain foods or overeating. While indigestion is usually not a serious condition, it can significantly impact one's quality of life. 

Homeopathy offers a holistic approach to treating indigestion symptoms by addressing the individual's unique experience rather than simply focusing on the label of 'indigestion.' Although symptoms may appear similar in different people, each person feels these differently, and treatment is tailored to match the specific pattern of symptoms exhibited by the individual. 

Rather than prescribing a one-size-fits-all remedy for indigestion, a homeopath will  carefully consider the entire constellation of symptoms experienced by the individual. These symptoms may include not only physical discomfort in the digestive system but also emotional and mental symptoms that accompany the indigestion.

For example, one person with indigestion may experience bloating and discomfort after eating fatty foods, while another may feel burning sensations in the stomach accompanied by anxiety or irritability. In homeopathy, the goal is to match these unique symptom patterns with the most appropriate remedy.

Homeopathic remedies for indigestion symptoms are derived from natural substances and are highly diluted to stimulate the body's innate healing response. Common remedies used for indigestion include Nux vomica for indigestion worsened by overeating or excessive alcohol consumption, Carbo vegetabilis for bloating, gas & a sluggish digestion, and Pulsatilla for indigestion with a sensation of heaviness or nausea that can feel a little better from fresh air.

For acute indigestion that occasionally arises, the guide below will help you find the most suitable remedy for your symptoms, even for long term indigestion these remedies can be of use, however if your symptoms do not improve or recur you would benefit from a consultation to get to the root of the issue.  If you would like to discuss how this could help you please book a free chat with me using this link - 

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The selection of the appropriate remedy for any long-term (chronic) condition is based on a thorough assessment of the individual's symptoms, as well as their overall constitution and temperament. By addressing the root cause of indigestion and restoring balance to the body's vital force, homeopathic remedies aim to provide gentle and long-lasting relief from digestive discomfort.

It's important to note that while homeopathic remedies can be effective for many individuals, how effective a remedy will be relies on its matching the symptoms well, understanding this and self prescribing may not be suitable for everyone especially not for chronic/long term cases of indigestion which will benefit from a full or if recent indigestion issues an acute consultation may be sufficient.  

As with any healthcare approach, it's advisable to consult with a qualified homeopath for personalized guidance and treatment.  If you are suffering with long-term indigestion issues and would like to see how I could help you please book a free discovery chat with me to discuss whether homeopathy could help you.


  1. Argent Nit - Indigestion with belching, especially caused or worse by sweets or cold food (which they desire or crave) Flatulence with bloating and a gnawing apis which can spread from a stop in the stomach to the abdomen.  This is also a major remedy for apprehension & a good choice if the ailment is Brough on by anxiety from a forthcoming event. 

  2. Arsen Alb - Anxiety is the keynote symptoms, with gnawing, burning pains and a great thirst, although cold drinks can make the person sick.  They will usually have burning pains which may be better for hot rather than cold drinks.  There is indigestion from watery fruits & salads with a craving for milk, this remedy is always associated with very particular and organised people.  They can be fanatically tidy & habitually anxious being particularly fearful regarding their health, although they may fear, literally anything.  Arsen alb patients usually complain of being chilly & seek warmth. 

  3. Carbo Veg - Stomach & abdomen can be uncomfortably bloated, with trapped wind which belching only relieves temporarily.  The simplest food disagrees, resulting in constant belching shortly after eating or drinking, with offensive flatulence.  A sense of immobility or laziness of the whole system, as if the food is not being digested, with a heavy or full stomach & possibly sleepiness.  Can also be a useful remedy after general anaesthetics. 

  4. China - Bloated abdomen not relieved by belching (can be bitter fluid) indigestion from eating fruit or drinking milk, useful remedy for hiccups.  There is often flatulence & colic, which is eased by movement and bending double, darting pains across the stomach which are eased by loosening clothes. 

  5. Lycopodium - Bloated abdomen, lots of noisy wind and incomplete belching rising only to the throat, followed by long lasting burning sensations, the person is usually quite hungry but is bloated by eating little, they are often aggravated from bread, beans, lentils etc & cabbage. They also have a sweet tooth & prefer warm food & drink, symptoms are usually worse between 4-8pm.  

    An excellent remedy for reflux. 

  6. Nux Vomica - Hangovers or dyspepsia from overindulgence of rich food, drink or smoking.  Theres indigestion with heartburn with the stomach and abdomen feeling sore or bruised and sensitive to pressure.  Despite this the appetite may very good and fatty food may be both desired and well tolerated.  There is often flatulent bloating of the abdomen and the stomach may be bloated for several hours after a meal with trapped wind.  The symptoms of hiatus hernia or reflux may respond well to this remedy too. 

  7. Pulsatilla - A main remedy for indigestion from rich or fatty food.  Cold fat on meat is tolerated, but trouble arise if the person eats hot fatty meats, pastries or dairy products and there is frequently a craving for foods that are known to cause problems.  The indigestion is seen as bloating, gas and a sour stomach with heartburn.  Generally the person will want sympathy, company & be better for fresh air. Although they have a dry mouth they tend to have little thirst. 

  8. Staphisagria - All colic or indigestion from abuse, anger, humiliation or a feeling of being ‘cut up’ about something..  A great remedy for severe pains following surgery and for trapped or hot wind. 

  9. Sulphur - Weak digestion with belching of putrid or sour gas, and a sense of faintness or a sinking feeling with hunger around 11am, the appetite may be either excessive or absent with great acidity and a strong desire for sweets and fatty foods, yet milk disagrees.  Sulphur patients are generally untidy, warm individuals and their indigestion is likely to be as a consequence of neglect or from a diet of junk food. 

  10. Colocynthis - Cutting pain in the abdomen radiating colicky pains. Burning pains & cramps that are helped slightly by bending forward or bringing the knees up to the chest. Usually accompanied by urgent diarhoea but can alternate with constipation. Food & drink tend to taste bitter, appetite is usually diminished but can desire bread, potatoes & starchy foods aggravate. Very thirsty or drinks much without thirst. 


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